Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki

Alright, so I'm doing a challenge. Basically, you make a prediction list for Season 4. It has to be made in between now and November 9th. For every battle you get right, you get a point. If you also get the placement of the battle right, you get two points. For example, if I predicted Mao Zedong vs Fidel Castro as the fifty fourth battle, and it was the fifty fourth battle, I'd get two points, but if it was only the fifty third battle, I'd only get one point. No editing your list past November 10. Just post a comment saying where your list is and post it where ever you want. Whoever gets the most points is the champion or some shit. Without further ado, here's my Season 4 prediction list:

46. Mythbusters vs Ghostbusters

47. Romeo and Juliet vs Bonnie and Clyde

48. Stanley Kubrick vs Steven Spielberg

49. Bruce Banner vs Henry Jekyll

50. Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine

51. Winston Churchill vs Franklin D. Roosevelt

52. Jane Austen vs JK Rowling

53. Easern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers

54. Walt Disney vs Jim Hensen

55. Mao Zedong vs Fidel Castro 

56. Bach vs Tupac

57. Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter

58. Amelia Earhart vs Neil Armstrong

59. Ash Ketchum vs Charles Darwin

60. The Beatles vs The Rolling Stones

