Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki

Left 4 Speed's point of view :

LoL, I dunno what to say, bring it on wachow!

Wachowman's point of view:

Ok so on chat me L4s Doom and a new face are on, Doom says that the user RoseRaps is her sister, I was suspicious by the start and ask L4s to take screenshots, for I cannot, Now during the chat Doom and Rose would talk to each other (ex.get that cardboard box off your head") even though THEY LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE, so after being told to talk in PM they post there PM chat and bring up, non other than SAMISFUSION and they didnt say SAMIS' real name, they used his account to which I would say they wouldn't do if they were real,

After a bit of nothing, A user called peter(something, I forgot) Joins and says HE IS ROSES EX BF, I already k ow it's A SockPuppet and Rose afterwards says that Peter used to be a User called Devil...Now Doom later says rosé was lying BUT she says this as if she knows who Devil is BUT she has never been told which means she would have to be an old user to know who devil is to say this. So I think With that I find it obvious to safely say that Doom Is SAMIS AND EVEN IF NOT she was Rose and Peter were her Sockpuppets and I believe all 3 accounts should be banned, that is all..


(If our suspicion is proven wrong, well, we'd like to say sorry, and of course, delete this blog, if ever...)

JUST TAKE A LOOKS AT THOSE PICS BELOW (click the pictures for a better view)!
