Epic Rap Battles of History Wiki

ABunchofNumbers ABunchofNumbers 24 April 2022

Fixed Lionheart vs Lodbrok

free real estate


I'm Richard the First in every Youtube upload

That only leaves The Room left on my watch list

The chivalrous player of Pokemon Sword and Shield

And I kill you when I spit like Pit from Smash Bros

I'm the number one Dick, that only leaves room for you in second place

I voted for Trump and I wanna build wall

I'll announce Paddy dick in #announcements

Then I'll annoy Cherrae Witch by spamming pings!

Of course you got avenged when you called your superhero friends in

You're not even the GOAT of your own Game of Thrones rhymes

Your ex killed your son, your wife killed your ex

Sorry I don't remember much, did I get all that right?

Half ass head tats backpack matpat

You know what movie is based? Home Alone

But they should've stopped at …

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ABunchofNumbers ABunchofNumbers 3 July 2020

Ronald MC Donald vs Chucky Chees


Ew a rat! Not on my prized food chain establishment!

You're gross and icky and frankly you never pay rent

I played FNAF once and I did not like it

So I abandoned that shit faster than I did my kid

Go ahead and spit cheese, get it? Because pizza

This is all I'm saying because you're bankrupt and therefore I cannot visit anymore. Peace out


YO WHAT THE FUCK. Don't you fucking leave me whore

I'm dead fucking serious don't you dare go out that door

It's pizza time! I'm the bad rap rat fat stacked lad on the track

You might ball right can your small mind match me? Not quite

I'm clowning on the clown, suck my ball pit and lick my fry

I prefer BK because all your burgers make me wanna die

That Flurry looks good though I might give it a try


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ABunchofNumbers ABunchofNumbers 3 August 2019

Willy Wonka vs George Washington Carver

Insert well thought-out introduction here.


Willy Wonka:

Look who decided to Carve his way out of his shell

The inferior black Washington, without The Glory of Denzel

Recipes are your bread and butter, but I can’t help but lament

Folks only seem to know you by something you didn’t even invent!

Ah, but there’s no mistaking the sweetness that I can deliver

The golden ticket for solid bars is this handy candy giver

Being rejected for your skin color must’ve been pretty rough

So I’m doing you a favor here, George; you weren’t schooled enough!

Getting Veruca Salty already? Well, Cheer Up, Charlie Brown

Seeing how you kicked the Buckett, you should be used to going down!

I got Mike control like Teavee, you’re stuck controlling plantation

Come on, beatin…

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ABunchofNumbers ABunchofNumbers 23 June 2019

"Who The Fuck Is ABunchofNumbers?''

Hey, Lucca AKA ABunchofNumbers AKA ABoN AKA Bad username in retrospect here. Thought it would be a good time as any to properly introduce myself, given this upcoming tourney should be handled fairly.

I'm 21 years old, currently living in the southern part of Brazil. I had a pretty shaky life, to put it bluntly. My parents divorced when I was really young, my dad moving to another state with his girlfriend and eventually to Europe. I am diagnosed with Aspergers, so I had trouble fitting in school and as a result was bullied a lot. I had to move schools and even cities constantly with my mom until we finally settled in one. I ingressed in film school because of my love for writing and acting but had to drop out due to financial problems, the …

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ABunchofNumbers ABunchofNumbers 7 March 2019

Snow White vs Walter White

I missed doing these.

Snow White:

Out of all matchups, this is the unfairest of them all

Doesn't take a magic mirror to see that you'll fall

Wanna make money? My company has the answer

One animation and we grow bigger than your cancer!

Say MY name! I'm Snow cause my rhymes are cold

Shine brighter than any crystal meth you sold

Ruined your own life, now your assistant's in the spotlight

Even your lawyer is leaving you to rot, White!

Put on some pants if you wanna win in your relationship

Skyler ain't Gus, but she still got you whipped

You just can't provide for a family like I do

Go back to high school! I already got an apple for you!

Walter White:

I'll be the one who knocks some sense into your head

You're not a role model, you're a maid who's braindead!


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